When I first moved here I thought I'd take it slow. Get to know people gradually. Take my time figuring out the lay of the land, who was who...movers and shakers and trouble makers. Did I mention it is a small town? Well I didn't exactly take it slow. I ran for city council and lost but almost immediately began my stint as the President of the Board of Gardiner Main Street, an organization working toward the revitalization and preservation of the historic downtown.
In D.C. if you were having trouble getting a heavy desk down a flight of stairs, no one would stop to help. Here they do...and lend tool, teapots, and air purifiers. We support each others businesses. We check in to see how things are going. We chat about American Idol, our dogs, the fishing, music theory, goats, and moustaches. We get involved. Jump in when we have something to offer. On Monday morning I'm taking the new City Manager on a tour of downtown...our downtown...our home. I'm ready to get things started here. My business included!
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